Work stress

When the result counts

What do we offer?

Work stress can have very serious consequences for a person’s health. In the case of a short-term stressor, the health effects may be temporary and quickly recede. If the stressor affects the employee for a long time, however, it can lead to a loss of capacity for work.

Typical health effects include: headache, attention and memory impairments, decreased productivity, sleep disturbances, fatigue, anxiety, burnout, decreased immunity, increased susceptibility to diseases, and the exacerbation of chronic diseases and mood disorders. The conscious management of work stressors and work helps keep employees happy, productive, and satisfied.

Take the first step

See a mental health nurse

Do it yourself

Evaluate your mental wellbeing

Consult an occupational psychologist

Use the app to relieve stress

Mental health nurse visit

PRICE 55 eur

( 45 minutes )

What solutions does it offer?

Mental health problems are often hidden and show up as physical complaints. It is advisable to see a mental health nurse as soon as negative or disturbed feelings and behaviours start to interfere with everyday life.

The mental health nurse will carry out an initial mental health assessment and a health risk assessment at the appointment. The nurse helps to identify the need for further referral and works closely with the family or occupational physician, psychiatrist and psychologist. The nurse counsels clients and their relatives on mental health issues and health behaviour. The nurse teaches a range of breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to cope with stress, anxiety and tension. The nurse motivates and supports clients in their treatment journey.

Do it yourself

Mental health is something you can most influence yourself. Sometimes all it takes is a good piece of advice or a tip. Other times, self-help can help you while you wait to see a doctor. Most often, it is good to combine self-care with consultation with a specialist and other solutions.

Here are some pointers to different self-help options for dealing with work stress.

Have a look and choose the one that suits you.

Breathing exercises

Keep work stress under control

Eating healthily


Evaluate your mental wellbeing

Mental health problems are often hidden and show up as physical complaints. By completing mental health questionnaires, you can get an immediate assessment of your mental health and a personalised mental health plan will be drawn up.

Download the HeBA app and use it even more conveniently from your phone:

Consult an occupational psychologist

Anyone with work or work environment-related problems can turn to an occupational psychologist.Counselling in the context of occupational psychology is carried out by an occupational psychologist. At reception, the employee is advised on issues related to mental healthcare and the prevention of mental health problems (including reducing work stress, psychological counselling, workplace conflicts, work-life balance, job dissatisfaction, fast pace of work, high workload, burnout, etc.).

Anneliis Tali
clinical neuropsychologist, occupational and organizational psychologist

Ave-Gail Kaskla-Kuprys
Consultant, psychological counselor, work and organizational psychologist

Triin Hellamaa
work and organizational psychologist

Consult an occupational psychologist

Anyone with work or work environment-related problems can turn to an occupational psychologist.Counselling in the context of occupational psychology is carried out by an occupational psychologist. At reception, the employee is advised on issues related to mental healthcare and the prevention of mental health problems (including reducing work stress, psychological counselling, workplace conflicts, work-life balance, job dissatisfaction, fast pace of work, high workload, burnout, etc.).

Anneliis Tali
clinical neuropsychologist, occupational and organizational psychologist

Triin Hellamaa
work and organizational psychologist

Ave-Gail Kaskla-Kuprys
Consultant, psychological counselor, work and organizational psychologist

Use the app to relieve stress

Here you will find a selection of tips to help you calm your mind and relax your body

  1. iBreath app (iPhone only) – Simple deep breathing exercises
  1. Headspace app – Meditation and mindfulness for any mind, any mood, any goal

  2. Calm app – An app for meditation, sleep and relaxation

Anneliis Tali


visiit alates 60 EUR

Kliiniline psühholoog, töö- ja organisatsioonipsühholoog

Anneliis konsulteerib juhte töökeskkonna arendamisel, nõustab töötajaid toimetuleku parandamisel ning pakub psühhoteraapiat, et leevendada psüühikahäirete sümptomeid.

Anneliis töötab psühholoogina alates 2014 aastast.

Töökeeled: eesti ja inglise. 

Vastuvõtud: Tallinn

Anneliis Tali


visit price from 60 EUR

Clinical psychologist, work and organisational psychologists

Anneliis consults with managers to develop the work environment, counsels employees to improve coping, and provides psychotherapy to alleviate symptoms of mental disorders.

Anneliis has been working as a psychologist since 2014.

Working languages: English and Estonian.

Visits: Tallinn


Ave-Gail Kaskla-Kuprys


first visit price from 63 EUR (+km)

consultant, psychological counsellor

Ave-Gail is the author and facilitator of the innovative work stress and burnout prevention counselling format, Võõras Sõber.

Ave has been working as a psychologist since 2016.

Working languages: English and Estonian.

Visits: Tallinn and Tartu

Triin Hellamaa


visiit alates 60 EUR

Töö- ja organisatsioonipsühholoog

Triin konsulteerib nii suurte kui väikeettevõtete juhte organisatsiooni ja töökeskkonna arendamisel ning nõustab töötajaid tööstressi ja läbipõlemise ennetamisel ja psühholoogilise heaolu parandamisel. 

Triin töötab psühholoogina aastast 2013. aastast

Töökeeled: eesti ja inglise. 

Vastuvõtud: Tallinn

Triin Hellamaa


visit price from 60 EUR

Work and organisational psychologists

Triin consults managers of both large and small companies on organisational and work environment development and advises employees on preventing work stress and burnout and improving psychological well-being.

Triin has been working as a psychologist since 2013.

Working languages: English and Estonian.

Visits: Tallinn

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