
Many infectious diseases with serious consequences can be protected against by vaccination. Vaccination-preventable diseases can be encountered in the work environment, e.g. tick-borne encephalitis, influenza, hepatitis viruses, or during leisure time or while traveling. With vaccination, we protect the health of ourselves, our loved ones and many others.

At the HeBA clinic, adults can vaccinate themselves against various diseases.

If you cannot find a suitable vaccine in the list – contact us and we will sort it out.

Influenza vaccination at the clinic

25.00 EUR

For customers who have a contract with HeBA clinic


21.90 EUR

Influenza is a viral disease that spreads during the autumn-winter cold period, which can be very severe. Getting sick with the flu and developing serious complications can be prevented or the course of the disease can be eased by vaccination. The more people who are vaccinated against the flu, the less likely it is to spread the flu virus and get sick.

Vaccination against the flu is done once a year, preferably between September and December, because then the post-vaccination immune protection can develop in time.

Protection against the influenza virus occurs up to 14 days after vaccination, and the protective effect lasts from autumn to spring.

INFORMATION for those coming for vaccination

Influenza vaccination

You can find the times of vaccinations agreed on site at the companies on the link below.

INFORMATION for those coming for vaccination

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

39 EUR

Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral disease spread by ticks. Estonia is an endemic area of ​​tick-borne encephalitis. The most likely period of infection is from April to October, when ticks are active. The disease can be very severe: in most cases, a person suffers from the disease with flu-like symptoms – headache, fever, muscle pain, but a third of those infected may develop inflammation of the brain tissue or meninges. In severe cases, residual symptoms of damage to the central nervous system remain. After suffering from tick-borne encephalitis, life-long immunity occurs, i.e. you will not be infected with this disease again. We recommend vaccinating against tree encephalitis for those who work or like to visit forest and park areas, move in nature. People whose work or studies are related to forestry, agriculture and biology, and those whose work is a mandatory part of their work in outdoor conditions must be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis – e.g. road workers, surveyors, forest workers, military personnel in outdoor conditions, border guards, hunters, etc.

Vaccination is carried out according to a specific scheme: during the first vaccination, 1. 3 vaccinations during the year, the first re-vaccination after 3 years and then one vaccination every 5 years.

Hepatitis A vaccination

47 EUR

Hepatitis A is liver inflammation (jaundice) caused by the hepatitis A virus. The hepatitis A virus is a persistent virus that can survive for several days, e.g. in food. Hepatitis A viruses are spread through the faecal-oral route, e from the faeces of an infected person to the hands and from the hands to surfaces, objects and then to the mouth. Spread also occurs through contaminated food and water, donor blood and blood products, sexual contact, shared syringes.

When infected with the virus, acute inflammation of the liver occurs with the appearance of a characteristic yellow tone on the skin and mucous membranes. The pre-jaundice phase lasts an average of 5-7 days. Dark, yellowish-brown urine also indicates jaundice. A patient treated on time will recover in a couple of months without complications. In 10-15 percent of patients, symptoms may persist or reappear within six months. After suffering from hepatitis A, a person develops lifelong immunity, i.e. they will not be infected with this disease again.

Persons working in water and sewage facilities and catering establishments must be vaccinated against hepatitis A.

Protection against hepatitis A occurs after 2 vaccinations, immunity lasts for more than 25 years in adults.

Hepatitis B vaccination

36 EUR

Hepatitis B is a viral disease that spreads through blood – both through blood transfusions and through materials contaminated with the hepatitis virus (e.g. puncture wounds, injecting drugs with a common needle, tattooing, medical procedures in countries with insufficient infection control), through microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes, through sexual contact. An invisible amount of blood is sufficient for infection.

Hepatitis B is a chronic inflammation of the liver that can lead to liver dysfunction and, in more severe cases, liver cancer. Some people infected with the hepatitis B virus do not develop liver failure, but they will carry the virus for life and are at risk of infection.

Medical workers who come into contact with blood and blood components must be vaccinated against hepatitis B, including students of the treatment department of the Faculty of Medicine and students of medical schools; social workers dealing with risk behaviours; rescue service and police personnel who directly participate in rescue operations and may come into contact with blood; prison staff who come into direct contact with prisoners.

Sufficient protection against hepatitis B infection usually occurs after 3 doses (second dose after 1 month after the first vaccination, then third dose after 6-9 months). For employees at high risk, we recommend determining the titer of protective bodies after the third dose to be sure of the strength of the immune protection.

NB! For those born after 1990 who do not know their immunization history, we recommend determining the hepatitis B antibody titer before vaccination, as they may have been vaccinated as part of the national immunization program.

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