HeBA Health Research

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Birthmark examination


40 eur – first birthmark

+20 eur – each additional birthmark

A birthmark examination helps to quickly and easily get an assessment of a birthmark of concern. Birthmark changes can be the first indication of skin cancer . It is not possible to tell with the naked eye whether these are benign or malignant changes.

A birthmark examination is performed with a special camera – a dermatoscope. It is placed over the birthmark to obtain a high-precision image with appropriate magnification. During the examination, a picture is taken of 1-3 birthmarks and the results are sent to an experienced and specially trained dermatologist for evaluation. You will receive an answer within 3-5 working days .

The big advantage of Dermtest is that you don’t have to wait in line at the dermatologist for a long time to get initial feedback on your concern.

Abdominal ultrasound


 69 euros


Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination is a non-invasive and painless method for assessing the condition of internal organs. Changes in the abdominal area ( liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas and gall bladder) or pelvic area ( bladder, uterus, prostate gland ) can indicate various diseases and conditions.

Tumors, inflammations and other pathologies can be detected with the help of ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

The examination is carried out with a special device – an ultrasound machine that uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of the internal organs. The procedure usually lasts 15-30 minutes and is performed by an experienced ultrasound specialist.

The advantage of ultrasound is that it is fast, safe and has no contraindications . It provides important additional information, for example, to the results of a blood test or in addition to some other non-visual procedure.

Birthmark examination

 PRICE 40 eur – first birthmark

     20 eur – second birthmark

         20 eur – third birthmark

A birthmark examination helps to quickly and easily get an assessment of a birthmark of concern. Birthmark changes can be the first indication of skin cancer . It is not possible to tell with the naked eye whether these are benign or malignant changes.

A birthmark examination is performed with a special camera – a dermatoscope. It is placed over the birthmark to obtain a high-precision image with appropriate magnification. During the examination, a picture is taken of 1-3 birthmarks and the results are sent to an experienced and specially trained dermatologist for evaluation. You will receive an answer within 3-5 working days .

The big advantage of Dermtest is that you don’t have to wait in line at the dermatologist for a long time to get initial feedback on your concern.

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