Mental health professionals

If the result counts...

Different opportunities

The goal of the network of mental health specialists at the HeBA clinic is to find a specialist suitable for each person’s preferences and personal needs .

We work with both mental health clinics and individual professionals.

Psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health nurses and occupational therapists value cooperation with the HeBA clinic primarily because we support each person from identifying the problem to finding an individual solution and measuring the results.

NB! Employees whose company has a cooperation agreement with the HeBA clinic can quickly receive a private email at vaimnetervis@heba.ee by writing to the reception of a suitable specialist

HeBA Mental wellbeing specialists

visit from 80 EUR


Merilin Priilinn-Türk


HeBA Clinic

Working languages: Estonian

Receptions: in Tallinn or online

visit from 80 EUR


Jakob Voll


HeBA Clinic

Working languages: Estonian and English 

Receptions: in Tallinn or online

visit from 80 EUR


Pille Kolosov


HeBA Clinic

Working languages: Estonian

Receptions: in Tallinn or online

visit from 80 EUR


Helena Ehrenbusch


HeBA Clinic

Working languages: Estonian and English 

Receptions: in Tallinn or online

Mental Wellbeing Specialists at HeBA Partners


Kairi Alas


visit from 80 EUR

Clinical psychologist-psychotherapist

Kairi deals with the assessment of various mental disorders, psychological counseling and psychotherapy. In his work, he mainly uses the principles and techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy and schema therapy.

Specializing in the treatment of various anxiety and mood disorders.

Working languages: Estonian and English.

Receptions: in Tallinn

Annika Vau


visit from 80 EUR


Annika obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Tallinn University in 2009 and a master’s degree in psychology in 2012, specializing in counseling psychology.

Annika is mainly engaged in psychological counseling and couple therapy, especially help with anxiety and relationship problems.

Working languages: Estonian and English

Receptions: in Tallinn, video consultation

Miriam Varik


first visit from 90 EUR

Psychologist, occupational psychologist

Mirjam deals with anxiety and/or depression, low self-esteem, work stress and emotions.

Mirjam graduated from Tallinn University with a specialization in counseling psychology.

Working languages: Estonian and English.

Receptions: in Tallinn or online

Kaidi Kõiv-Noode


first visit from 90 EUR

Psychologist, occupational psychologist

Kaidi deals with family psychology and therapy, eating and health behavior, cognitive-behavioral therapy and work psychology.

Kaidi graduated from Tallinn University with a specialization in clinical psychologist.

Working languages: Estonian and English.

Receptions: in Tallinn or online


Anastasiya Targonskaya


first visit from 90 EUR

Psychologist, occupational psychologist

Anastasiya advises employees on coping with work stress and anxiety. He is interested in addiction disorders, work rehabilitation and depression. In his work, he uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) techniques (a form of psychotherapy related to KKT).

Anastasiya conducts counseling both individually and involving family and loved ones.

Anastasiya has been working as a psychologist since 2018.

Working languages: Estonian and Russian.

Receptions: in Tallinn or online


Ave-Gail in Kaskla-Kuprys


initial consultation 63 EUR (+km)

Consultant, psychological advisor, work and organizational psychologist

Ave-Gail is the author and leader of “Võõras Sõber”, a new counseling format that prevents work stress and burnout.

On a daily basis, Ave-Gail deals with psychological, management and occupational psychology counseling and conducts internal trainings on various topics of mental health and coping. From 2020, Ave-Gail also acts as a crisis advisor.

Ave-Gail has been working as a work and organizational psychologist since 2018.

Working languages: Estonian and English

Receptions: in Tallinn and Tartu

Marko Proover


visit from 80 EUR


Everyone who wants to make changes to improve their family relationships, to find ways of better communication and cooperation is welcome to the reception. Also those who need help to cope with work stress and anxiety.

Receptions are held in: Estonian and English

Receptions: in Tartu

Merle Kõrgesaar


visit from 80 EUR


Adults with both work-related and personal mental health concerns that they can no longer cope with are welcome to the reception. You can also turn to topics related to a couple’s relationship, which require a professional neutral side view and psychological support.

Merle has been working as a psychologist since 2017. a and as an ANSE certified supervisor/coach since 2018. a.
Receptions are held in: Estonian and English

Receptions: in Tartu or online

Anneliis Tali


visit from 100 EUR

Clinical psychologist, work and organizational psychologist

Anneliis consults managers on the development of the working environment, advises employees on improving their coping skills, and offers psychotherapy to alleviate the symptoms of mental disorders.

Anneliis has been working as a psychologist since 2014.

Working languages: Estonian and English.

Receptions: in Tallinn

Triin Hellamaa


visit from 100 EUR

Work and organizational psychologist

Triin consults managers of both large and small companies on the development of the organization and work environment, and advises employees on preventing work stress and burnout and improving psychological well-being.

Triin has been working as a psychologist since 2013. from

Working languages: Estonian and English.

Receptions: in Tallinn

Steven Saagpakk


visit from 80 EUR


Steven graduated from Tallinn University’s psychology master’s program in 2020. in counseling psychology. In addition to what he acquired at the university, Steven has completed training, of which he considers the most important in his work to be the basic course of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

Steven’s professional interests are psychotic disorders and anxiety and mood disorders.

Working languages: Estonian and English

Receptions: Viimsis

Margit Hobolainen


visit from 80 EUR


Margit graduated from Tartu Tervishoiu College of Midwifery. Later, he started studying psychology at Tallinn University, where he obtained bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Margit’s interest in mental health is addiction disorders. Conducts psychological counseling both individually and involving family and loved ones. In addition, he is engaged in training.

Working languages: Estonian and English

Receptions: Viimsis

Brigitta Randveer


visit from 75 EUR


Brigitta has obtained a master’s degree in psychology from Tallinn University, specializing in counseling psychology.

Brigitta deals with the assessment of mental problems of adolescents and adults and individual psychotherapy.

He mainly uses cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing as a therapeutic intervention.

Working languages: Estonian and English

Receptions: Viimsis

Kene Vernik


visit from 75 EUR

Psychologist – sleep consultant

Kene conducts counseling on sleep health and sleep disorders. If poor sleep is accompanied by mood problems, psychological counseling is continued. Uses cognitive-behavioral therapy and schema therapy techniques in his work. Customers of all ages are welcome to the reception.

Kene has been working as a psychologist – sleep consultant since 2006.

Working languages: Estonian and English

Receptions: Via video


Maiko Kangro


visit from 120 EUR


Maiko’s main interests are mood disorders (including bipolar disorder), addiction disorders and attention deficit disorder, and she has primarily dealt with mood and anxiety disorders, personality disorders and addiction disorders (including alcohol use disorder), but also with organic disorders, psychosis spectrum disorders, eating disorders and sleep disorders.

Maiko has worked as a psychiatrist since 2015.

Receptions: Viimsis

Sven Rabane


visit from 120 EUR


Sven has upgraded himself more specifically in the fields of sleep medicine, addiction disorders and acute psychiatry. On a daily basis, he also deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various mood and anxiety disorders and psychotic disorders.

Working languages: Estonian and English

Receptions: Viimsis

Experience advisors

Katri Tali


visit from 60 EUR

Experience advisor

Experience counseling is counseling between persons with similar experience, the purpose of which is to provide experiential knowledge, skills and emotional support.

The topics of Katri’s counseling are anxiety, depression, burnout, sleep disorders, chronic pain.

Katri will work as an experience advisor from 2021.

Working languages: Estonian and Russian

Reet Treial


Trainer, consultant, coach and supervisor with long experience.

Reet has worked as a personnel manager for over 18 years, both in production, financial brokerage and trade. Reeda’s clients include companies, educational institutions and private clients.

Adults who want to make sense of their working life, set new goals, discover their own resources and achieve more with a coach, and be more satisfied with themselves and the environment are invited to Reeda’s reception.

Working languages: Estonian and Russian

Partner clinics

Center for Mental Health


To help people improve their quality of life and well-being.

The clinic has both psychologists, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists

Languages: Estonian, English, Russian

Receptions take place in: Tallinn, video consultations

Anneliis Tali’s practice

Mental health services for children, youth, adults and organizations.

The clinic has psychiatrists, psychologists and a mental health nurse.

Languages: Estonian, English, Russian

Receptions take place in: Tallinn, video consultations.

Viimsi Psychiatric Clinic

The mission of the Viimsi Psychiatric Clinic is to promote your mental health, which takes place in the smooth cooperation of various team members.

The clinic has psychiatrists, psychologists and a mental health nurse.

Languages: Estonian, English

Receptions take place: Viimsi, video consultations.

Contact us

Merilin Priilinn-Türk


Põhinen oma töös erinevate teraapiate lähenemistele: 1) lahenduskeskne lühiteraapia; 2) kognitiiv-käitumisteraapia (KKT); 3) süsteemne pereteraapia; 4) emotsioonile fokuseeritud teraapia. Iga inimene on erinev ja ei ole olemas üht ainuõiget lähenemist. Proovin leida koostöös Sinuga Sinu jaoks parimad võimalused soovitud eesmärkide saavutamiseks kombineerides erinevate lähenemiste elemente ühtseks tervikuks. Viin läbi hindamisi ja sekkumisi.

Ootan Sind enda juurde, kui soovid leida tuge nii isiklikes kui ka tööalastes küsimustes, mis puudutavad vaimset heaolu!

Lähemalt minust. Tasakaal ükskõik milles on minu jaoks oluline, nt argipäeva tööelu väljakutsetele on vaja vastukaaluks stabiilsust, rutiinile tasakaaluks spontaansust ja tegutsemisele tasakaaluks vahepeal lihtsalt “mitte-millegi-tegemist”. Usun, et kõike on parem mõõdukalt, mitte üleliia. Seda seetõttu, et ka hea asjaga liiale minnes võib endale liiga teha, mistõttu juhindun ka enda vaba aja tegevuste valikul sellest, mis parasjagu sel hetkel mu hinge ja meelt täidab, laen ennast tihti: 1) lähedastega aega veetes; 2) looduse rüpes: rabas, metsas, mere ääres; 3) uusi tegevusi proovides, asukohtasid avastades ja kogemusi kogedes ning 4) kokates. Suurim rahu tunne tekib aga ikkagi olles koos lähedastega, kvaliteetaega veetes kõige kallimatega. Samuti pean lugu reisimisest, erinevate maailmaköökide heast toidust ning harva peale suurt pingutust pean oluliseks ka lihtsalt “mitte-millegi-tegemist”, et päriselt puhata!

Kõige olulisemad väärtused minu jaoks elus on ühtpidi hästi lihtsad, aga samas teisalt võivad olla ka keerulised – siirus, ausus ja avatus. Nii on ka tööelus, et usalduslik side ja turvaline õhkkond oleks võimalik, saaks tekkida!

Jakob Voll


Omandasin psühholoogia bakalaureusekraadi Tallinna Ülikoolis ning seejärel magistrikraadi Tartu Ülikoolis, kus spetsialiseerusin psühholoog-nõustaja suunale. Psühholoogina alustasin ma tööd 2023. aastal, nõustades taastusravi vajavaid lapsi ja täiskasvanuid.

Olen täiendanud enda teadmisi depressiooni ja ärevuse teemadel ning kasutan nõustamisel peamiselt kognitiiv-käitumusliku teraapia ja motiveeriva intervjuu juurde käivaid tehnikaid.

Usun, et alati on võimalik teha muudatusi, et enda elu ja heaolu parandada. Nõustamise käigus on võimalik õppida nägema käitumisharjumusi ja mõttemustreid, mis meid ei toeta ning jõuda seeläbi enda eesmärkideni ja parema enesetundeni. 

Kõige olulisemaks aspektiks nõustamise juures pean ma lähtumist inimese enda soovidest. Pean tähtsaks, et klient saaks ennast avada endale sobivas tempos ning mina psühholoogina olen sellel teekonnal kliendile toeks, luues hinnanguvaba ruumi. Näen kliendiga tööd meeskonnamänguna, kus klient on see, kes valib soovitud eesmärgi. Seejärel hakkame me koos selle eesmärgi suunas liikuma.

Ootan enda juurde täiskasvanuid ja noori, keda vaevavad uneprobleemid, madal motivatsioon, meeleoluhäired, stress või suhteprobleemid. Võib ka juhtuda, et probleemi olemust on keeruline määratleda ja klient ei ole kindel, kust alustada või kuhu pöörduda. Sellisel juhul saan olla abiks murekoha tuvastamisel.


Pille Kolosov


Pille töötab nii laste, noorukite kui ka täiskasvanutega. Ta on läbinud psühhoanalüütilise nõustamisteraapia koolituse, ka laste- ja noorukite psühhoanalüütilise teraapia koolituse ning neile lisaks veel dialektilise käitumisteraapia ja avatud dialoogi baasväljaõppe. 

Pille kasutab teaduspõhiseid teadmisi kognitiiv-käitumuslikust psühhoteraapiast ja lahenduskesksest lühiteraapiast. 

“Läbivateks teemadeks on erinevad arengu- ja meeleoluhäired ning nendest tulenevalt oskus teha valikuid, et igapäevastes olukordades toime tulla ja ka tõsiseid kriise lahendada. Pean oluliseks oskuseks väikeste asjade märkamist ning positiivsete pidepunktide leidmist, millele toetudes on võimalik hakata lahendusi otsima ja edasi liikuma.”

Helena Ehrenbusch


Helenal  on pikaaegne töökogemus vaimse tervise valdkonnas, kuid viimased kümme aastat on ta rohkem keskendunud tööealise inimese problemaatikale ja võimalustele töö kontekstis. “Töö moodustab päris suure osa inimese identiteedist, hõivates parimad aastad tema elust ning tõhusaimad tunnid ööpäevas. Seetõttu on minu arvates oluline, et töö pakuks inimesele midagi väärtuslikku, mitte negatiivseid kogemusi või terviserikkeid. Minu eesmärk psühholoogina on toetada töötegija vaimset tervist, aidata leida lahendusi ning luua tähendusi keerulistele olukordadele, mõtestada enda rolli, suhteid, kolleege, kliente, organisatsiooni.”

Helena tööstiili on kõige rohkem mõjutanud psühhoanalüütiline koolkond, postmodernistlik filosoofia ja eksistentsialism. Ta eelistab oma töös kasutada reflektiivset vestlust ning loovtehnikaid, kuid olenevalt vajadusest rakendab ka kognitiivset rekonstrueerimist, käitumusliku treeningut, süsteemset või narratiivset teraapiat jms. Helena on Tallinna Ülikoolis omandanud MSc kraadi psühholoogias, spetsialiseerumisega kliinilisele psühholoogiale ja töötanud psühholoogina aastast 2000. Superviisorina (tase 8, ESCÜ kvaliteedistandard, superviseeritud praktika) töötab aastast 2013. Väljaõpe: Tallinna Ülikool/Der Rote Faden, Intercultural Supervision, Coaching and Organization Development Training Program

Merilin Priilinn-Türk


I base my work on the approaches of different therapies: 1) solution-oriented brief therapy; 2) cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT); 3) systemic family therapy; 4) emotion-focused therapy. Every person is different and there is no one right approach. In cooperation with you, I will try to find the best opportunities for you to achieve your desired goals by combining the elements of different approaches into a single whole. I conduct assessments and interventions.

I look forward to seeing you if you want to find support in both personal and professional matters concerning mental well-being!

More about me. Balance in anything is important to me, for example, I need stability to counterbalance the challenges of everyday work life, spontaneity to balance routine, and simply “doing nothing” in between to balance action. I believe that everything is better in moderation, not in excess. This is because even when you go too far with a good thing, you can do too much for yourself, which is why I also guide myself when choosing my free time activities by what fills my soul and mind at that moment, I often borrow myself: 1) spending time with loved ones; 2) in the bosom of nature: in a swamp, in a forest, by the sea; 3) by trying new activities, exploring locations and experiencing experiences and 4) cooking. However, the greatest feeling of peace still comes when you are with your loved ones, spending quality time with your loved ones. I also value traveling, good food from different world cuisines, and, rarely, after a lot of effort, I also consider it important to simply “do nothing” to truly relax!

The most important values ​​for me in life are on the one hand very simple, but on the other hand they can also be complicated – sincerity, honesty and openness. This is also the case in working life, so that trustful communication and a safe atmosphere can be created!

Jacob Voll


I received my bachelor’s degree in psychology from Tallinn University and then my master’s degree from the University of Tartu, where I specialized in counseling psychology. I started working as a psychologist in 2023, counseling children and adults in need of rehabilitation.

I have expanded my knowledge on depression and anxiety and mainly use techniques related to cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing in my counseling.

I believe that it is always possible to make changes to improve your life and well-being. Through counseling, you can learn to see behavioral and thought patterns that do not support you, and thereby reach your goals and feel better.

I consider the most important aspect of counseling to be based on the person’s own wishes. I consider it important that the client can open up at a pace that suits them, and as a psychologist, I support the client on this journey, creating a non-judgmental space. I see working with the client as a team game, where the client is the one who chooses the desired goal. Then we start moving towards that goal together.

I welcome adults and young people who are struggling with sleep problems, low motivation, mood disorders, stress or relationship problems. It may also be difficult to define the nature of the problem and the client is not sure where to start or where to turn. In this case, I can help identify the area of ​​concern.

Pille Kolosov


Pille works with both children, adolescents and adults. She has completed training in psychoanalytic counseling therapy, as well as training in psychoanalytic therapy for children and adolescents, as well as basic training in dialectical behavior therapy and open dialogue.

Pille uses research-based knowledge of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and solution-focused brief therapy.

“The recurring themes are various developmental and mood disorders and, as a result, the ability to make choices in order to cope with everyday situations and also solve serious crises. I consider it an important skill to notice small things and to find positive reference points, based on which it is possible to start looking for solutions and move forward.”

Helena Ehrenbusch


Helena has long-term work experience in the field of mental health, but for the last ten years she has focused more on the problems and opportunities of working-age people in the context of work. “Work makes up quite a large part of a person’s identity, occupying the best years of his life and the most effective hours of the day. Therefore, in my opinion, it is important that work offers a person something valuable, not negative experiences or health problems. My goal as a psychologist is to support the employee’s mental health, help find solutions and create meaning for difficult situations, make sense of one’s role, relationships, colleagues, clients, organization.”

Helena’s work style has been most influenced by the psychoanalytic school, postmodern philosophy and existentialism. She prefers to use reflective conversation and creative techniques in his work, but depending on the need, he also applies cognitive reconstruction, behavioral training, systemic or narrative therapy, etc. Helena has obtained an MSc degree in psychology from Tallinn University, specializing in clinical psychology, and has worked as a psychologist since 2000. She has been working as a supervisor (level 8, ESCÜ quality standard, supervised practice) since 2013. Training: Tallinn University/Der Rote Faden, Intercultural Supervision, Coaching and Organization Development Training Program .

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