Analysis packages

Each person is unique in terms of their organism’s peculiarities, health risks, family health background, health-related knowledge and concerns. In order to get a better overview of your body’s condition, find an analysis package that corresponds to your lifestyle or age.

Health checks based on analyzes include a very large selection of specific laboratory blood tests. Before the health check-up, you can Use the HeBA app to assess your health risks based on a unique health questionnaire – as a result, you will immediately get the first feedback on whether and what you could do for your health. As a result of the health check-up, you will find out your health indicators and get an individual health management plan with personal recommendations .

If you wish, we will help you to think through the appropriate health examinations to mitigate and manage health risks, but we have also proposed some packages.

Vegetarian/Vegan Complex Study

114 EUR


In the case of a vegetarian diet, one must be more aware than usual of the chemical composition of food, the needs of the body, the conditions necessary for the absorption and assimilation of nutrients. Food of plant origin is low in food energy, and a deficiency may occur in certain proteins, as the proteins in plant foods are mostly bound to fibers and are therefore more difficult for digestive enzymes to access. In the case of a vegetarian diet, the level of vitamins and minerals must be monitored in order to start using the right nutritional supplements in a timely manner.

A health check with the following analyzes is suitable for mapping the main health risks associated with a plant-based or vegan diet:

    • General blood parameters (5-part hemogram, blood sugar, ferritin, folic acid)
    • Vitamins and trace elements (vitamin D, vitamin B12, magnesium, calcium)
    • Proteins ( albumin, total protein)
    • Kidney health (creatinine, uric acid)
    • Urine strip analysis

As a result of the health check-up, you will receive a health management plan and recommendations .

Vitamins and minerals

85 EUR

Vitamins are active substances that we need in small quantities, but whose effect on the body is irreplaceable: vitamins participate in the metabolic process, regulate the work of nerves, play a role in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, protection against infectious and viral diseases, etc. The human body can synthesize only individual vitamins, and those only with the combined effect of suitable starting compounds and external conditions (e.g. sunlight). We get most of the vitamins from food, while vitamins D and B12 can only be found in food of animal origin in an absorbable form. Minerals are important for our body in the composition of bones, body fluids and enzymes and help transmit nerve impulses. We get different minerals from food, water and the surrounding air, the human body cannot synthesize minerals by itself. The complex examination includes filling out a health risk questionnaire, determination of vitamin D, vitamin B12 and folic acid, determination of minerals iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. As a result of the study, you will receive a health management plan and recommendations.

A healthy person

129 EUR


You are 30-40 years old and feel healthy, because of this you have not visited a doctor in the last 5 or even 10 years. At this age, however, it is most appropriate to review the risk factors for chronic cardiovascular diseases or metabolic diseases, in which case small lifestyle changes help to significantly postpone the onset of the disease and the need to take tablets into the distant future.

Such an inspection gives peace of mind even if the usual occupational health inspection is more modest or more than a year has already passed.

A health checkup with the following analyzes and procedures is suitable for checking the state of general health and mapping the main health risks:

  • Comprehensive health risk questionnaire
  • ECG e cardiogram
  • Blood tests:
    • General indicators of blood ( 5-part hemogram , blood sugar)
    • Blood fats (total cholesterol, “good” and “bad” cholesterol, triglycerides)
    • Liver health (AST, ALT)
    • Kidney health (creatinine)
    • Vitamins (Vitamin D)
    • Thyroid hormone (TSH)
    • Stool analysis (blood in stool)
    • Urine strip analysis

As a result of the health check-up, you will receive a health management plan and doctor’s recommendations .

A complex study of an enthusiastic health athlete

105 EUR


Physical activity is vital for health, but as with most things in life, too much or too little is never good. With overactive training, there is a risk of developing health disorders, the symptoms of which can be, among other things, simply sleep disorders, loss of appetite, painful muscle cramps. There is a risk of side effects or permanent health damage when consuming food supplements, especially those ordered from online stores.

In order to get a quick overview of your athletic condition and first advice, a health checkup with the following analyzes and procedures is suitable:

  1. Comprehensive health risk questionnaire
  2. Analyzes and research
    • ECG or cardiogram
    • General blood parameters (5-part hemogram, blood sugar, ferritin, total protein)
    • Liver health (AST, ALT)
    • Kidney health (creatinine, urea)
    • Vitamins and trace elements (magnesium, calcium, vitamin D)
    • Urine strip analysis

As a result of the study, you will receive a personal health management plan and doctor’s recommendations .

A complex study of the less active

99 EUR

Physical activity is important for optimal health, it affects cardiovascular health, bone density and the likelihood of obesity, as well as helping to overcome stress. Stress, in turn, is the cause of many health problems. Sedentary health studies help assess the risks of heart disease, diabetes and other metabolic problems.

A health check with the following analyzes and procedures is suitable for mapping the main health risks associated with little movement:

  1. Comprehensive health risk questionnaire
  2. Analyzes and studies:
    • ECG or cardiogram
    • General blood parameters (5-part hemogram, blood sugar, glycohemoglobin)
    • Blood fats (total cholesterol, “good” and “bad” cholesterol, triglycerides)
    • Liver health (AST, ALT)
    • Kidney health (creatinine)
    • Urine strip analysis

As a result of the health check-up, you will receive a personal health management plan and doctor’s recommendations .

Health check of the effects of alcohol

175 EUR


Consuming alcohol too often or in large quantities causes several health risks. Research in recent years has linked approximately 60 different health problems to the effects of alcohol, including cardiovascular diseases, various types of cancer, diseases related to the liver itself and liver function, gout and many others.

A health check with the following analyzes and procedures is suitable for checking changes related to the effects of alcohol and mapping the main health risks:

  1. Comprehensive health risk questionnaire
  2. Analyzes and studies:
    • ECG or cardiogram
    • General blood parameters (5-part hemogram, sediment reaction, blood sugar, glycohemoglobin, ferritin, total protein, CRP)
    • Liver health (AST, ALT, GGT)
    • Kidney health (creatinine, uric acid)
    • Coagulation parameters (INR)
    • Vitamins and trace elements (vitamin B12, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium)
    • Hormones (proBNP)

As a result of the health check-up, you will receive an individual health management plan and doctor’s recommendations .

Rapid assessment of the effects of alcohol

84 EUR


Excessive alcohol consumption can affect many important organs such as the brain and liver, causing serious diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatitis. Long-term exposure to alcohol is also associated with heart problems, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of certain cancers.

To monitor your health, a simple blood test helps you get a quick initial assessment of whether there are signs of the harmful effects of alcohol in the body and, if necessary, consult a doctor or plan a more comprehensive examination to rule out or detect diseases early.

A quick assessment of the effects of alcohol is made from a blood test based on five basic markers:

    • 5-part hemogram ( to assess blood cell status, oxygen transport capacity, fluid balance, and immune and inflammatory status)
    • gamma-glutamyl transferase e. GGT (to assess the risk of damage to the liver, gallbladder or pancreas and pancreatitis, liver and pancreas tumors)
    • aspartate aminotransferase e. ASAT (to assess the risk of liver damage and hepatitis or gallstones)
    • alanine aminotransferase e. ALAT (to assess possible liver damage with AST analysis)
    • Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (to assess the adverse effects of recent or ongoing alcohol consumption or abstinence)

As a result of the quick assessment, you will receive an interpretation of the results and individual doctor’s recommendations .

Comprehensive study of the risk traveler

135 EUR

Traveling can be accompanied by various health problems – from blood clots in the veins to health disorders caused by food and drink. Staying in foreign and exotic places often leads to risky behavior that differs from home conditions. Studies have shown that every fifth traveler has unprotected sex while in a foreign country, which entails the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. syphilis, HIV, chlamydia, hepatitis B or C).

A health check with the following analyzes and procedures is suitable for mapping the main health risks related to travel:

  1. Comprehensive health risk questionnaire
  2. Analyzes:
    • General indicators of blood ( 5-part hemogram , blood sugar)
    • Liver health (ALT, AST, GGT)
    • Blood and sexually transmitted pathogens (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis rapid test)
    • Kidney health (creatinine, uric acid)
    • Urine strip analysis

As a result of the health check-up, you will receive an individual health management plan and doctor’s recommendations .

Determining the microbiome and designing a diet

The microbiome is the ecosystem of microorganisms living in the gut. Each species has its own functions in the community, and accordingly they can be conditionally divided into “beneficial” and “harmful” bacteria. Changes in the composition and diversity of the microbiome are associated with various frequently occurring autoimmune and other diseases such as allergies, obesity, gastrointestinal diseases (irritable bowel syndrome), cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Changes in the composition and diversity of the microbiome are associated with various frequently occurring autoimmune and other diseases such as allergies, obesity, gastrointestinal diseases (irritable bowel syndrome), cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Determining the microbiome provides guidance for creating a specific diet that helps support beneficial bacteria and suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria.

Sensitive stomach health check

250 EUR

When the digestive system goes on strike, the whole organism suffers. Discomfort can be caused by too fast or too slow digestion, accumulation of gases or frequent nausea. The causes of a sensitive stomach can be different, from a lack of enzymes necessary for digestion to the long-term effects of stress. The complex examination includes filling out a health risk questionnaire, clinical blood analysis and blood sugar determination, assessment of kidney, liver and pancreas function, checking for Helicobacter infection, lactose intolerance sample and small intestine tissue transglutaminase immune globulin determination to assess gluten intolerance.

A health check with the following analyzes and procedures is suitable for a comprehensive check of changes and mapping of the main health risks:


  • General blood parameters (clinical blood, blood sugar)
  • Liver parameters (AST, ALT, GGT, ALP)
  • Tumor markers Ca-19-9, Ca-CEA
  • Pancreatic enzymes (lipase, a mylase)
  • Kidney health (creatinine)
  • S-tTG IgA (immunoglobulin against small intestinal tissue transglutaminase)
  • Lactose tolerance tests

Stool analyses:

  • Blood in the stool
  • Helicobacter pylori antigen
  • calprotectin (a sensitive indicator of gastrointestinal inflammation)

As a result of the health check-up, you will receive a personal health management plan and doctor’s recommendations.

Thyroid health check

75 EUR

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped hormone-producing gland in the neck that is the most important regulator of our body’s metabolism. The thyroid gland can produce too much of the hormone for various reasons. If your close relatives have had thyroid diseases, you have been under emotional or physical stress for a long time, you feel tired and depressed, or on the contrary – excessively agitated, your heart flutters, your hands tend to tremble – it makes sense to check the activity of the thyroid gland.

A health checkup with the following analyzes and procedures is suitable for mapping the main health risks related to the thyroid gland:

  1. Comprehensive health risk questionnaire
  2. Analyzes:
    • Blood fats (total cholesterol, “good” and “bad” cholesterol, triglycerides)
    • Thyroid hormones (TSH, fT4, fT3)
    • Determination of antibodies against thyroid tissue (TPO-AK)
As a result of the health check-up, you will receive a personal health management plan and doctor’s recommendations .

60+ health

99 EUR

With increasing age, several changes occur in the body – hormonal shifts, changes in metabolism, etc. The work of organs (e.g. kidneys) slows down, and chronic diseases that require medication tend to develop. As side effects of medicines, especially their combinations, appetite can change, the feeling of thirst can decrease, often accompanied by constipation, weakness. Health problems and body changes (dehydration, loss of bone and muscle mass, and increase in body fat, especially in the waist area) can be caused by changes in food absorption and assimilation in old age, as well as lifestyle and dietary factors.

A health checkup with the following analyzes is perfect for checking age-related changes and mapping the main health risks:

  • General indicators of blood (5-part hemogram, blood sugar, total protein)
  • Liver health (AST, ALT, ALP)
  • Vitamins and trace elements (vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, sodium, potassium)
  • Kidney health (creatinine)
  • Urine strip analysis

As a result of the study, you will receive a health management plan and doctor’s recommendations .

Round the year

45 EUR x 4 (quarterly)

LYFERY discount 13 EUR /


If you want to monitor your health throughout the year, an audit with strategic blood tests taken at three points in time is suitable for you. There is health dynamic and ever-changing, which is why it is important to monitor your vital signs as a time series, not as a single value. That way, you will have peace of mind and, if necessary, additional recommendations as soon as something important changes .

Regular self-assessment of health with strategic selection of tests helps to detect abnormalities early on , on the basis of which an evidence-based choice can be made for additional and more specific tests or studies.

  • Blood tests (5-part hemogram, blood sugar)
  • Liver health (ALT)
  • Kidney health (creatinine)
  • Markers adjusted for gender and age

As a result of the health check-up, you will receive a health management plan and doctor’s recommendations .

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